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Headlines & Features

  • Who is Sor Juana?

    Who was Sor Juana? Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz was born November 12, 1651 near Mexico City. As a young child, Juana would often hide in her grandfather’s hacienda reading the books from his adjoining library, something that was forbidden to girls.

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  • Benefits of A Classical Program

    A Classical education fosters higher-level skills including problem-solving, critical thinking, creative thinking, and research skills that will allow high-performing students to meet their full academic potential.

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  • What Does Steam Look Like?

    Sor Juana will have a brand new STEAM lab which can be best described as “a gymnasium for critical thinking”. In this lab, students will apply a wide range of technology to age-appropriate projects that are both high-interest and academically rigorous.

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